Summer Savings for Your Business

The summer heat is here. Learn about programs and solutions that prepare your business to reduce energy use and maximize savings on your energy bill.

Summer Business

Know the Details of Your Pricing Plan

Your pricing plan impacts your bottom line. As summer temperatures rise, review your business' pricing plan to learn when to conserve energy. If your business is on a Time-of-Use or Critical Peak Pricing (CPP-D) plan, which includes event days, prepare for on-peak and event-day hours (4 - 9 p.m.) to reduce your energy use when an activation is called.

Sign in to My Energy Center

Prepare for an activation day

On days when energy use is high, SDG&E may activate Demand Response programs or Event Day Pricing plans to support the electric grid. Create a plan to conserve energy on these days. 

Prepare for Activation

Pricing Plans

Business Programs

Programs to Help You Save
Energy Efficiency Programs

 We offer a variety of programs to help your business save energy and money. 

Learn more about savings programs

Demand Response Programs
Demand Response Programs 

If your business can conserve energy when demand is highest, we have a program for you.

View Demand Response Programs

Resources For Builders
Builder Services Portal

Find resources and self-service tools for more efficient project application and management.

View resources for project application and management

Explore Electric Vehicles for Your Business

Electric Vehicle Programs

Save money, eliminate tailpipe emissions, or simplify maintenance.

Learn more about Electric Vehicle Programs

Go Green Financing

GoGreen Financing

An official State of California initiative, GoGreen Financing provides easy access to private financing with exceptional terms and qualified professional contractor services.

Learn more about GoGreen Financing

San Diego Learn Program

San Diego LEARN Program

This program offers free energy efficiency & electrification courses. Dive into live webinars with industry pros and explore short online courses. 

Learn more about the LEARN program

Tools to Help You Save Energy

  • Sign into My Energy Center to manage your account from your computer or mobile device—anywhere, anytime.  
  • Track Energy Use. See when and how much energy you use monthly or daily. 
  • Enroll in Energy Alerts. Track energy costs before you're billed. 
  • Stay informed. Each year it's important to review your business contact and notification preferences to make sure the right contact is on file. 

Learn more about managing your account

Energy-Saving Tips for Your Business


Adjust Your Thermostat

You can save an extra 10%*on your annual heating and cooling costs when you use a smart thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature in your office or workspace.

Save on lighting

Upgrade Your Lighting

Switching out lighting with occupancy sensors can provide energy saving and convenience by turning on lights when someone enters a room and turns them off when unoccupied.


Power Down

Enable the power management function on computers, so monitors go to sleep. And at the end of the work day, remember to switch off or power down your electronic devices.

adjust your water heating

Weatherize Your Business

Weather strip and caulk drafty doors and windows to keep in the heat when you need it most. Insulating your building can help manage temperatures and reduce energy costs.

Tune your HVAC

Tune Your HVAC

Just as a tune-up for your car can improve your gas mileage, a yearly tune-up of your heating and cooling system can improve efficiency and comfort.

Shift your use

Maintain and Repair

An energy audit can help your business identify ways to upgrade your facility to be more energy efficient.


* 10% savings as noted on the Energy Upgrade California website. 


Protecting Your Business from Wildfires

Over the past decade, we have made large investments in measures to help prevent catastrophic wildfires so our communities can count on clean, safe and reliable power. Learn more about how we are helping keep the region safe, and what you can do to protect your business.

SDG&E's Wildfire Efforts

To learn more about SDG&E's wildfire resilience efforts, visit

Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)

During a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS), we will contact customers who have opted to receive notifications. Visit our notifications page to sign up, update your contact information and learn more about PSPS notifications. 

Critical Facilities

If you believe your business should be a Critical Facility, please visit the Critical  Facility and Infrastructure page to complete the survey. 

Summer FAQs

Hotter summer temperatures can drive up energy use, and when combined with summer pricing, our customers can experience higher than normal bills during this time.

During the summer, there is also a greater risk for a “Reduce-Your-Use” or "Critical Peak Pricing" Event Day to be called. Event Days happen when the demand for energy spikes in our region or across the state. We may ask customers to conserve energy if they are on a participating pricing plan. On an Event Day, a surcharge is in effect from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. significantly increasing the price of electricity. Combined with on-peak Time-of-Use pricing between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m., this means businesses who do not conserve on Event Days may receive bills up to 400% higher than average.

A helpful starting point is for customers to log into or sign up for My Energy Center. SDG&E offers various pricing plan options to give customers more choice and control over their energy use and maximize savings. My Energy Center allows you to compare pricing plans side-by-side to find the one which fits your business’s needs.

For customers on a Time-of-Use pricing plan, managing energy use during peak hours is also important. The highest energy costs occur during the hours between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m., when the demand for energy is highest throughout the state. Within My Energy Center, customers can elect to receive weekly energy use summaries to stay on top of their bill. Visit our Energy Alerts page to learn more. 

In addition to how much and when your business uses electricity, electricity pricing is based on electricity demand. Demand is the rate at which your business uses electricity – the maximum amount needed to power your business at any given time. Learn more about demand by visiting  our Understanding Demand for Business page. 

For customers on a Time-of-Use Plus (TOU P) or Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) plan, managing energy use during peak hours is also important. The highest energy costs occur during the hours of 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. when the demand for energy is highest throughout the state. SDG&E may also call a "Reduce-Your-Use" or "Critical Peak Pricing" Event Day, adding a surcharge to energy used during the hours of 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. It is critical to be mindful of when you use energy most.

Review your contact information under your profile in My Energy Center to make sure it is up to date. Customers with an email or phone number on file will be notified of a Reduce-Your-Use Event Day a day ahead of the event so they can plan how they will shift energy. Create a plan to reduce your use during an event day with these tips.

Level Pay is a program which averages out your bill and allows you to budget more easily.

Customers eligible for the Level Pay Program (LPP) service are:

  • Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) and Direct Access (DA) customers. The LPP amount for UDC billed CCA and DA customers is calculated using both the customers’ UDC and CCA charges.
  • Commercial electric customers with maximum monthly demand < 500kW per month.
  • Commercial gas customer using < 250,000 therms of gas per year, who are not Core Aggregation Transportation (CAT) customers.
  • GT or DT (Mobile Home Parks).  


  • Co-Generation accounts are not eligible for Level Pay.  
  • Net Energy Metering (NEM) customers are not eligible for Level Pay.  

Per state law, SDG&E does not profit off the sale of electricity to our customers. The electricity we purchase for our customers is directly passed through onto customer bills.

You can find several resources by scrolling to the footer below. Click on links such as Rates & Regulations, Total Electric Rates and more.

If you need to download your energy data, visit the Green Button tool

Authorize third parties to access our data with a Letter of Authorization